Simple Basics & A Graduate

It's me again!
Time to share the newest 

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This month's challenge is to use any
Simple Stories Simple Basics to create a card, layout or other project.
Of course you can add other elements from the Simple Stories Collection,
but the main focus needs to be Simple Basics :)
Today the Simple Stories Design Team is sharing all sorts of cool stuff using
Simple Basics.  Here is the layout that I created for the day:

 I love that you can mix and match the different Simple Stories Basics from different lines: 
 the Year-O-Graphy works beautifully alongside Awesome!  
I think the Blue adds just the right amount of pop to the layout, without over-doing-it. 
 I yearn for an old manual typewriter so that I can type directly onto pieces for my projects. 
 But I found that you can get a very similar look by using your home computer and printer. 
First, I downloaded "Typerwriterhand" from and typed out my
 journaling onto a regular sheet of paper.  I then cut out the journaling card
 and (using a lightbox or lamp) placed the card over the printed area 
with just a bit of adhesive; just reprint as before and gently remove from the paper. 
 I have done this for several projects and so far it's worked like a charm :)  

I hope, hope, hope that you all get a chance to play along with this month's challenge!
Just go to the Simple Stories blog to check out the details and deadline.

My middle son, Zachry graduated 8th Grade last night.  He gave the
Benediction and was rewarded with a trophy and certificate for 90 and above 
grade average for the year.  Zachry is actually #3 in his class...just a couple of more points
and he could've been Salutatorian!   But we're SO proud of him nonetheless...he's 
such a great kid.  And anytime something goes amiss or we can't figure out a problem,
we just ask Zach LOL

Zach is on the far left
We have High School Graduation tonight, in which my oldest, Tyler will be
participating in...I may not be able to fight back the tears on this one!
Thanks for letting me share
Have a wonderful weekend, friends
  1. Love that layout girl and congrats to your son!

  2. I know I will be a basket case when my daughter graduates! What a milestone! And congrats to Zachry!

    Beautiful layout, love the all-star look and those twine stars! Sounds like a fun challenge

  3. Have a good cry and you must be so proud!! LOVE that layout!

  4. Great page! And Congrats to Zachry!!!


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