I'm Completely ENCHANTED...

...with Authentique Paper's
 Today I have a couple of Enchanted papercrafting
ideas that will hopefully get you in the mood for Halloween.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again:  the beauty of
Authentique Paper is the durability and texture of the paper
and cardstock stickers.  When you have confidence in a paper
 like Authentique, you can set out to craft just about anything!

First I'd like to share a trio of letters that I altered by
covering with various patterns of Enchanted, a couple
 of svg files (bats and spider's web),
 cardstock stickers and other fun embellishments.
 I purchased the B-O-O wooden letters at Hobby Lobby and
painted the backs and sides with a black acrylic paint.
After tracing and cutting out the shapes from the
Enchanted patterned papers, I applied them to the letters
with a quick dry glue.
 I crafted the little pointer sign by attaching Enchanted 
cardstock stickers to a bamboo skewer...just cut a backing
of the same size and apply to the back to hide the stick!
The chipboard pennants by Maya Road were also
painted black and then spelled out CREEPY with
sticker letters from last year's Glowing Collection. 
 A spider's web just looks prettier in glitter :)  You can
 download the free svg file here.  I also made a rosette,
 which gave a little more color to the heavily black color
scheme that I had going on in that area. For added texture,
 I decided  that my bat fellow needed a couple of black
 pom-poms on his front...fun!

And now for a quick and super-easy tutorial that will come
 in handy when deciding on those clever treats for school
 parties or your most favorite trick-or-treators!

 Depending upon how many of these you'd like to make
and how wide you'd like them to be will decide how
many sheets of your favorite Enchanted paper that
you'll use.  I will give directions for making these in a
Hershey bar size :)

-1-12x12 sheet Charmed Paper
-Free SVG file for the bats click here
-Spellbound Paper for bats and the back
side for stamping the image on
-Glowing Paper for 3.5" scalloped circle
-Glowing Hours Unity/Authentique Co-Branded Stamp
(you can find that stamp right here!)
-Black ink pad & acrylic block
-Enchanted Sticker Strip
-Buttons and baker's twine (optional)
-Paper trimmer & corner rounding punch 
 Cut paper into 3x12" strips
 Score at 4.5"; fold and machine stitch or glue to form
the pocket.  Add bat to the top of the fold (as shown).
Attach sticker strip just under the bat.  Next, cut the 3.5"
scalloped shape in half and adhere just under the sticker strip.
 Stamp image onto back of Spellbound paper.
Trim, corner round edges and attach to front with
foam dots it desired.
You could dress these treat cards up in so
many different and fun ways!  Cut them down a
bit and add a gift card before giving.

I hope that you'll give this project a try :)
Please leave a comment if you have any questions
and I'll get an answer to you as quickly as I can.
Don't just have a Halloween, have an
  1. Very cute!!

  2. These are all amazing! I love that black and white diamond paper.

  3. OMG I LOVE these!!! I just got this paper pad and LOVE it....so many idea's I am scraplifting from you :) Hope you don't mind!!

  4. These are fabulous! I adore the papers.

  5. Fantastic Boo sign! You really showcase the papers. Love the treat holders and the webbed bats in both projects. Great tutorial and inspiration Shellye!:)

  6. Enabler alert!!! These projects make me want those papers big time! Your boo letters are fantastic, and those treat holders are beyond cool, thank you for the super simple tutorial!

  7. The BOO looks fabulous and I just love the Enchanted Treats, two great projects!!

  8. Boo-tiful sign! LOVE this candy bar idea:) the papers are perfect for Halloween. I need to make some of these-adorable!! Thanks for the inspiration Shellye!
    Sherrie K

  9. So cute! I might need to get busy!!


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