Advent Tree

 **500th POST GIVEAWAY**
This is post sure that you are a follower of my blog
as I will be giving away a GRAND PRIZE on the 500th post!
Happy Monday, friends!  Today is the launch of the newest collection by
"Home For the Holidays"
And with a launch party that means a are the deets from the DB Blog
and the direct link to today's post:

GIVEAWAY: And like past "Launch Parties" you can win a box full of the
 Home for the Holidays Collection by simply sharing the post, any of the projects 
or Facebook posts. Share on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, your Blog, Email...oh and we
 LOVE pins to Pinterest. We'll be watching or you can leave a comment and we will 
 pick some fortunate winners at the end of the week. 

I'm quite excited to be kicking the launch off with a really cute Advent Chalkboard Tree
I found the wooden (it's nice and thick) tree at Hobby Lobby.  I gave it a quick paint with
a kelly green around the sides and on the back.  After drying, I traced the shape onto the 
"Visions of Sugarplums" paper and cut out. 

For the inset paper, I determined how tall  and wide I would like for the accent paper to be.
I marked the dimensions onto the "Holiday Cheer" Paper and then used a ruler to connect
the marks.  After adding the cut-out to the base paper, I secured it with zig-zag stitching.

 I took a chalkboard label from my stash and adhered it to an oval chipboard shape.
Doodle twine glued to the edge helps to hide any imperfections.  
I did some experimenting with 'chalkboard pens' and found that (even after several hours)
the Faber Castell PITT Artist Pen comes right off with a wet cloth.
You may wish to experiment with different types of chalkboard pens to find out which works
best with the brand of chalkboard label that you use.

I'm in love with the new Sprinkles!  The red Sprinkle gave Santa's nose just the touch
of dimension that he was looking for :)  I also added white Sprinkles to the ends of the 
banner stickers.  I'm also in love with the Mini Bows...perfect for the top of the tree!

So, all week long you'll be able to check out the "Home For the Holiday" creations
and get your name in the hat for this fabulous giveaway of the collection!

Have a terrific week!

  1. I don't have access to Facebook or the other social networks, but I can tell some friends abt it. :)
    <3 J


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