Life Cards & A Squirrel

It's "Authentic Life Cards Inspiration Week" at
Authentique has really hit a homerun with these beautiful 
3X4 cards...perfect for pocket scrapbooking, mini albums,
cards, or as I have shared here: scrapbook pages!

This was a quick layout!  I printed off my photos at wallet size and then cut them
so that they measured the same size as the Life Cards, which is 3X4.
I assembled all of the pieces into a grid design and then began embellishing.

You could win your very own collection of the new Authentic Life Cards!
Just visit the blog all week and leave a unique comment each day :)
Good luck to you! 
  1. Very unique and creative layout, love the squirrel we don't see many of those here in Arizona. My roomie used to, "talk" to the squirrels in Michigan, that was until the day that one jumped up on the screen door and wouldn't let go for quite a while, he evidently wanted to come inside for a cup of coffee or something. :):):)


  2. This is a BEAUTIFUL layout! I love the colors and the way you used stitching on it - so pretty!

  3. Your layout is gorgeous and I adore your awesome photos of the squirrel. I have a soft spot for critters and get excited every time they run past my craft room window. The squirrels that I used to get seem to have relocated to a new home with the construction in our neighborhood, but this summer we have bunnies we like to watch. :)

  4. WOW!! you are an amazing talent, Congrats on Top Dop Dies - and I cant wait to better know you and be on the team!!!

  5. I love the clean lines of this layout!


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